Determination of Recent Movements of Lithosphere in Regions with Chemogenic Sediments on the Surface in the Dinarides Region
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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy, Kačićeva 26, Zagreb, Croatia
Online publication date: 2014-07-26
Publication date: 2014-06-01
Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics 2014;96:20-26
In the area of carbonate or karst Dinarides, besides the dominant carbonate rocks and subordinate clastics, in more places more significant mass of chemical sediments can be found, represented by gypsum and anhydrite. As chemical sediments are specifically lighter than overlying rocks, they have been, during the long geological history, trying to achieve isostatic equilibrium, or get out on the ground surface. In recent times, in areas with chemical sediments, a larger tectonic activity is noted than in the wider environment. This is certainly reflected in increased vertical and tangential displacements along major faults in relation to the surrounding area, which are built mainly of carbonate deposits. Determining the amount of movement of diapiric bodies, as absolute and relative, using the most modern surveying methods, precisely would assist the understanding of the tectonic movements and recent structural relations in a wider area
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