Application of Inclinometer Measurements for Relative Horizontal Displacement Investigations on Landslide Grounds
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Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography Department of Engineering Surveying Warsaw, Poland
Online publication date: 2013-10-20
Publication date: 2013-10-01
Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics 2013;94:6-13
One of the basic criterion for safety evaluation of structures erected on embankment or sliding slopes is relative horizontal displacement at different elevations. Relative horizontal displacements beneath ground surfaces are performed with inclinometer measurements. This report presents results on horizontal relative ground displacements with the probe SISGEO S242SV30. Investigations were performed with two inclinometer columns 14m height embedded in Warsaw Bank Slope. Mean square error of single observation was determined and mean relative errors of relative displacements in relation to column height. On the basis measurement results several relevant recommendations and practical hints were formulated allowing to avoid survey blunders and discrepancies in measuring procedures often encountered. Detailed inclinometer horizontal displacement measurements results at Warsaw hillside St Ana’s Church grounds were listed and presented.
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SISGEO S.r.l., (2006). Inclinometers, Instructions manual, Italy.
Wolski, W., Furstenberg, A. & Sorbjan, P., (2007). Inclinometer Measurements applied to assessment of structures safety state. Papers XXIII Conference on “Structure Damages of 2007”.
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