Determination of Rectification Corrections for Semi Gantry Crane Rail Axes in the Local 3D Coordinate System
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Department of Geodesy, University of Technology in Gdańsk, Poland
Institute of Geodesy, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
Online publication date: 2015-02-03
Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics 2014;97:71-79
Electronic tacheometers are currently the standard instruments used in geodetic work, including also geodetic engineering measurements. The main advantage connected with this equipment is among others high accuracy of the measurement and thus high accuracy of the final determinations represented for example by the points’ coordinates. One of many applications of the tacheometers is the measurement of crane rail axes. This measurement is based on polar method and it allows to get the spatial coordinates of points in 3D local system. The standard technology of measurement of crane rail axes and development of its calculations’ results is well-known and widely presented in the subject literature. At the same time new methods of observations results evaluation are developing. Some new proposals for the development of measurement results were already presented in (Kamiński, 2013). This paper is a generalisation of the paper quoted above. The authors developed the concept which was presented there by a proposal for determining rectification corrections for semi gantry crane rail axes. To carried out the task, the parametric method with conditions on parameters was used. Moreover the practical tests on simulated measurement results were conducted. The results obtained from alignment confirmed the theoretical assumptions. Despite the fact that analyses were carried out only on the simulated data, it is already possible to say that presented method for determination of rectification corrections for crane rail axes can be used for development of the observations from real measurement.
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