The Possibilities of Using the Terrestrial Scanning Data for Classification of Rocks in Limestone Mine “Czatkowice”
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Department of Land Surveying and Engineering Geology, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland
Online publication date: 2015-02-03
Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics 2014;97:80-90
This paper presents results of a research of potential utilisation of the intensity of laser beam reflection recorded by ground-based lasers, for an initial classification of rock formations within the Czatkowice Limestone Quarry. As part of the research, spectrometric analysis in visible (VIS), near-infrared (NIR) and Short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) bands was carried out for rock samples typical for the Czatkowice Quarry. Moreover, the rock samples were scanned using equipment working within different wavelengths. The reflected intensity of the laser beam recorded for each rock sample with several different scanners were analysed to assess their potential use for rock classification. The results of this analysis were then compared with spectral curves of each sample. The relationship between the intensity of the laser beam reflection and the spectral curves can be used for selection of most suitable scanner for rock classification.
I would like to thank Michał Adamek from TPI Company for his assistance in operating the TLS; Adrian Ochtyra for lending a spectrometer, the Management of Czatkowice Limestone Mine for the permission to access the excavation, and an anonymous reviewer for suggestions which have significantly improved the manuscript. Research was funded by the Ś-2/233/2014/DS
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