Kinematics of Reference Height Network on the Territory of Rivne Npp
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Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
PF "Rivne NPP", Rivne region, Kuznetsovsk, Ukraine
Online publication date: 2014-07-26
Publication date: 2014-06-01
Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics 2014;96:55-66
Rivne Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is located in western Ukraine. Construction of the station began in 1976. Totally four power generating units are operating on the station. Complicated geological conditions and display of man-made karst led to the need for monitoring of sediments and deformations on Rivne NPP. Since 1984 on the Rivne NPP there were conducted geodetic observations on the conditions of height reference network consisting of nine deep fixed reference points, which are installed in basaltic rocks. Totally 110 cycles of observations were conducted. The heights of fixed reference points were determined by leveling of I-st class. It is necessary to assess the kinematics of the reference height network and implement zoning of station territory according to a speed of inclination of the earth's surface. An average annual rates of displacement which appear as a linear trend weredetermined on the results of measurements for each fixed reference point by the least squares method. Excluding these values the vertical displacements of fixed reference points were derived and only the periodic component that is changing according to the periodic law remained present there. For each fixed reference point it was determined amplitude and optimum oscillation period and the coefficients of regression equations. Using the annual velocity of displacement of fixed reference points it was done the zoning of the Rivne NPP. There were allocated areas, which were characterized by different rates of inclinations and frequency of oscillations
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