The Attempt to Use Levelling Rods for Testing Metric Properties of Surveying Instruments, Which are Used for Reflectorless Distance Measurements
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Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw, Poland
Online publication date: 2014-07-26
Publication date: 2014-06-01
Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics 2014;96:38-54
This paper presents results of two experimental cycles of measurements performed with the use of the terrestrial laser scanner Z+F IMAGER 5006h and the reflectorless tacheometer Leica TPS 1202. These tests aimed at determination of metric properties of surveying instruments, which are used for reflectorless distance measurements and which are often applied to project the geometry of objects. In the course of research works issues influencing the reflection of a laser beam by the measured surface, as well as their influence on the data quality. In order to analyse metric properties of applied instruments, levelling rods were used as test fields of geometrically specified division. It was stated basing on the performed analyses, that the influence of the incidental angle of a laser beam on the accuracy of reflectorless measurements is included within the limits of the error of distance measurements of a given instrument. However, the uniform trend of increasing differences between measured values and the nominal value may be noticed, together with the increase of the incidental angle of the axis of collimation on the measured surface of the test field.
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