Headframe modelling accuracy for finite element method analysis purposes
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Department of Mining Areas Protection, Geoinformatics and Mining Surveying, Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering, AGH University of Science and Technology, 30 Mickiewicza av., 30-059, Cracow, Poland
Submission date: 2018-05-07
Acceptance date: 2018-10-11
Online publication date: 2018-12-31
Publication date: 2018-12-01
Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics 2018;106:19-24
Nowadays, the growing popularity of terrestrial laser scanners (TLS) allows to obtain a point cloud of many industrial objects along with classic surveying. However, the quality and model’s accuracy in comparison to a real shape seem to be a question, that must be further researched. It is crucial especially for Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis, which, being a part of technical design, estimate the values of construction’s dislocation and deformation. The article describes objects such as headgear with steel support and 4-post headframe with steel sheers. Both supports and sheers were modelled basing on point clouds. All the models were compared to the point cloud. The differences in models’ shape were calculated and the maximal values were determined. The results’ usefulness in FEM analysis was described.
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