Permanent GNSS Observations at Agh-Ust Satellite Observatory
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Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland, 30 Mickiewicza Av., 30-059 Kraków, Poland
Online publication date: 2016-05-31
Publication date: 2016-06-01
Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics 2016;100:101-107
GPS satellite observations at the Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering AGH-UST are conducted since the early 90s of the last century. In 2001, efforts have been made on getting permanently functioning GPS station. At present, observatory is EPN operational center for two GNSS stations KRAW and KRA1. Moreover, KRA1 station is one of fundamental control points in polish horizontal network. The article gives the history and scope of the research carried out in the satellite observatory AGH-UST during the period 2001 - 2015.
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